29 May 2020

Covid-19 and mental health

In addition to the impact on physical, research from the U.S is showing that the pandemic is taking a toll on mental health as well. One-third of Americans showed clinically significant signs of clinical anxiety or depression. with poorer adults, younger people and females more likely to exhibit those signs. 

The mental health impact of the virus is clearly felt even by those who have not contracted the virus. Myriad factors as social isolation caused lockdowns, worry about finances due to job insecurity or loss, fear of falling sick, concern about the health of loved ones with the virus, grief from loss of loved ones, the stress of working from home and providing childcare simultaneously are causes. Most individuals are dealing with multiple issues at once. 

Unfortunately, social support which can be a coping mechanism has been affected by social distancing and lockdowns restricting movement. 

The mental impact of the health will be much larger than the impact of physical health and policies to address mental health should be developed implemented alongside the policies to prevent and treat covid-19.