20 April 2020

Covid-19 lockdown and educational inequality

The three-week lockdown in parts of the country has ended but all schools in the country are to continue to remain closed.

The Ministry of Education requests that students "Tune in to the Ghana Broadcasting Free to air Learning Channel GLTV (also on GoTV and DSTV), log in to www.iCampusGh.com (SHS students only) and use the Ghana Library Authority app to access various lessons, assessments and books‬."

This mode of service delivery raises the question, how many children will be able to access the educational material on television or online?

We use data from the Ghana MICS6 survey to assess the resources available to 20,963 children of basic school age in different parts of the country. 

We find that in many parts of the country children lack the needed resources. For instance, in Greater Accra, which has the highest television ownership, about 2 out of 10 children live in households where there is no television while Upper East which has the lowest television has almost 8 out of 10 children not having access to a television.

Internet access is very low with numbers ranging from 3.3% to 32.8% In the Upper West region, only 3 out of a 100 children has access to internet in their homes. 

Radio delivery of content can be used to complement TV and internet as a greater proportion of  children live in households where there is a radio - Upper East which has both the lowest television and radio ownership has 45.8% of children living in households that own a radio compared to 26.6% that own a television.

Regional differences in access to educational resources for virtual learning